noDtaMkErr = -71 •couldn't find a data mark header badBtSlpErr = -70 •bad addr mark bit slip nibbles badCksmErr = -69 •addr mark checksum didn't check dataVerErr = -68 •read verify compare failed noAdrMkErr = -67 •couldn't find valid addr mark 1)firstDskErr •I/O System Errors 2)verErr •track failed to verify = -84 fontNotOutlineErr = -32615 •bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only 1)fontSubErr •font substitution occured 2)noNybErr •couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries = -66 1)fontNotDeclared •font not declared 2)offLinErr •r/w requested for an off-line drive = -65 1)fontDecError •error during font declaration 2)lastDskErr •I/O System Errors 3)noDriveErr •drive not installed = -64 envVersTooBig = -5502 •Version bigger than call can handle envBadVers = -5501 •Version non-positive envNotPresent = -5500 •returned by glue volVMBusyErr = -1311 •can't eject because volume is in use by VM fsDataTooBigErr = -1310 •file or volume is too big for system fileBoundsErr = -1309 •file's EOF offset mark or size is too big notARemountErr = -1308 •when _Mount allows only remounts and doesn't get one badFidErr = -1307 •file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number sameFileErr = -1306 •can't exchange a file with itself desktopDamagedErr = -1305 •desktop database files are corrupted catChangedErr = -1304 •the catalog has been modified diffVolErr = -1303 •files on different volumes notAFileErr = -1302 •directory specified fidExists = -1301 •file id already exists fidNotFound = -1300 •no file thread exists volGoneErr = -124 •Server volume has been disconnected wrgVolTypErr = -123 •Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS] badMovErr = -122 •Move into offspring error tmwdoErr = -121 •No free WDCB available dirNFErr = -120 •Directory not found wrPermErr = -61 •write permissions error badMDBErr = -60 •bad master directory block fsRnErr = -59 •file system internal error:during rename the old entry was deleted but could not be restored extFSErr = -58 •volume in question belongs to an external fs noMacDskErr = -57 •not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong) nsDrvErr = -56 •no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num) volOnLinErr = -55 •drive volume already on-line at MountVol permErr = -54 •permissions error (on file open) volOffLinErr = -53 •volume not on line error (was Ejected) gfpErr = -52 •get file position error rfNumErr = -51 •refnum error opWrErr = -49 •file already open with with write permission dupFNErr = -48 •duplicate filename (rename) fBsyErr = -47 •File is busy (delete) vLckdErr = -46 •volume is locked fLckdErr = -45 •file is locked wPrErr = -44 •diskette is write protected fnfErr = -43 •File not found tmfoErr = -42 •too many files open mFulErr = -41 •memory full (open) or file won't fit (load) posErr = -40 •tried to position to before start of file (r/w) eofErr = -39 •End of file fnOpnErr = -38 •File not open bdNamErr = -37 •there may be no bad names in the final system! ioErr = -36 •I/O error (bummers) nsvErr = -35 •no such volume dskFulErr = -34 •disk full dirFulErr = -33 •Directory full gcrOnMFMErr = -400 •gcr format on high density media error slotNumErr = -360 •invalid slot # error dceExtErr = -30 •dce extension error unitTblFullErr = -29 •unit table has no more entries notOpenErr = -28 •Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened 1)abortErr •IO call aborted by KillIO 2)iIOAbort 3)iIOAbortErr •IO abort error (Printing Manager) = -27 dInstErr = -26 •DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources dRemovErr = -25 •tried to remove an open driver closErr = -24 •I/O System Errors openErr = -23 •I/O System Errors unitEmptyErr = -22 •I/O System Errors badUnitErr = -21 •I/O System Errors writErr = -20 •I/O System Errors readErr = -19 •I/O System Errors statusErr = -18 •I/O System Errors controlErr = -17 •I/O System Errors seNoDB = -8 •no debugger installed to handle debugger command SlpTypeErr = -5 •invalid queue element unimpErr = -4 •unimplemented core routine corErr = -3 •core routine number out of range 1)vTypErr •invalid queue element 2)dsNoExtsDisassembler •not a SysErr just a placeholder 3)kMailNoModem •modem required, but missing = -2 1)qErr •queue element not found during deletion 2)telGenericError 3)dsNoExtsMacsBug •not a SysErr just a placeholder 4)cmGenericError 5)ctbuGenericError 6)ftGenericError 7)cdevGenErr •General error; gray cdev w/o alert 8)kMailMiscError userCanceledErr = -128 notEnoughHardwareErr (notEnoughHardware: obsolete spelling) = -201 •Sound Manager Error Returns noHardwareErr (noHardware: obsolete spelling) = -200 •Sound Manager Error Returns 1)paramErr •error in user parameter list 2kOCEParamErr •invalid parameter passed to toolbox = -50 URL Access Error: AccessNotAvailableErro r = -30787 URL Access Error: InvalidConfigurationError = -30786 URL Access Error: ExtensionFailureError = -30785 URL Access Error: FileEmptyError = -30783 URL Access Error: InvalidCallError = -30781 URL Access Error: UnsettablePropertyError = -30780 URL Access Error: PropertyBufferTooSmallError = -30779 URL Access Error: UnknownPropertyError = -30778 URL Access Error: PropertyNotYetKnownError = -30777 URL Access Error: AuthenticationError = -30776 URL Access Error: ServerBusyError = -30775 URL Access Error: UnsupportedSchemeError = -30774 URL Access Error: InvalidURLError = -30773 URL Access Error: DestinationExistsError = -30772 URL Access Error: ProgressAlreadyDisplayedError = -30771 URL Access Error: InvalidURLReferenceError = -30770